
Electrical Wires and Cables: The Complete Guide

2023-12-19 10:35

Electric Wires and Cables: The Complete Guide

Electrical wiring is used in every circuit, from power transmission, to household electric service and electronics. At some point, every professional or hobbyist will need to select a wire or cable, or at least understand the basic requirements of wiring for a particular situation.

Wiring codes and regulations are designed to protect people and property. Before embarking on your next project, ensure that you have a good understanding of the wiring needed to ensure operational safety.

Choosing the Right Electrical Wire or Cable

There are a few steps that make choosing the correct wire or cable easy:

  1. Determine if you need a wire or a cable. Use a wire where you need a simple, single conduction path between two points. Use a cable when you need multiple conductors, such as a standard ‘hot’, ‘neutral’, and ‘ground’ wire setup to complete a grounded circuit.

  2. Determine the voltage, current, and power of the system that the wire will be used in. Wires and cables are rated for these factors so ensure that your chosen wire or cable is rated for higher parameters than what you expect to see in the complete circuit. Factor in resistive losses for longer wire or cable runs. Use these parameters to determine the right type and gauge of wire or cable to use. It’s often recommended to choose a thicker (lower gauge #) wire or cable to ensure lower losses and greater current carrying ability (ampacity).

  3. If selecting a cable for a special application such as outdoor or underground use, make sure you select the right type of cable. Standard nonmetallic (NM) cable, also called Romex, is designed for indoor residential use. UF, or underground feeder cables, are common for running power to a shed or garage, and metal sheathed cables such as BX are common for outdoor use.

  4. Use the right color wire for any permanent applications. It’s okay to have an assortment of colors in a breadboard or prototype electronics circuit, but for home wiring or any permanent installation, stick to the designated colors. Wire color standards vary from one country to another so ensure you are using the right colors for your location.

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