
Warmly welcome to visit Ruiyang Group

2022-11-01 16:02

On August 2nd, 2022, Ding Wu'an, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Fuzhou Hi tech Zone, Chen Cong, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Fuzhou Hi techZone, and other leaders visited Ruiyang Group  on investment promotion cooperation in Fuzhou. Wang Liping, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Han Sumiao, Director Xue Qingshou, Secretary of the Board of Directors Lang Xunyun and others accompanied the visit.

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Ruiayng Group

Ruiyang Cable

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Ruiayng Group

Ruiyang Cable

At 8 a.m., the delegation led by Deputy Secretary Ding, accompanied by President Wang and other leaders of the company, visited Northeast Plastic Cable Co., Ltd., Liaoning Shenpeng Power Technology Co., Ltd. and Ruiyang Group Northeast Cable Co., Ltd. successively. Leaders visited the production workshops, laboratories and other places, and had a detailed understanding of the production scale and products of our company. 

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Ruiayng Group

Ruiyang Cable

During the inspection, Mr. Ding and his delegation spoke highly of the company's achievements and development after listening to Mr. Wang's introduction on the development of the company in recent years.At the symposium, Deputy Secretary Ding and his delegation had a deep understanding of our company's comprehensive strength and future development plan, and had a serious discussion and exchange on issues related to future cooperation. Deputy Secretary Ding also focused on introducing various preferential policies of the High tech Zone, welcoming our company to invest and start business in Fuzhou, and willing to "escort" our company's development.

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